In which cases will payment be waived?
Small amounts of data are free of charge. The definition of small varies, but generally it is in the order of a year's worth of data for a single location.
If you are an agency responsible for the investigation of transport accidents and incidents, fill out and save your request as normal, using your professional email address, and then send us an email. We will waive payment and expedite the request.
If you are a representative of a United Nations agency (including ICAO), send us an email with a link to your request. We will waive payment.
If you are a NOAA representative, send us an email with a link to your request. We will waive payment.
In which cases payment will not be waived?
No exceptions other than the above will be made.
If you are a student looking for data for a project, consider using data from airports in the African continent, as those will not be charged for.
It is also possible to use data from locations subject to EU or US sanctions, as those are not charged for either.